Discover La Marzocco Home’s Roaster in Residence.
A celebration of process and craft, La Marzocco Home is proud to partner with a curated selection of coffee roasters in our Roaster in Residence program. Evolving each month, we invite you to join us in exploring New Zealand’s unique landscape of specialty coffee roasters, discovering different blends to enjoy at home alongside your La Marzocco Home espresso machine, while also enjoying exclusive offers and events in partnership with our Roaster in Residence.

introducing our june roaster in residence, golden brown.

“Everyone deserves a great cup of coffee. We’re Golden Brown, Coffee without the snob.” – Golden Brown
That’s why they not only create amazing tasting coffee for home, but also create thousands of free online tutorials to help home baristas make better coffee.
After years of experience in the specialty coffee industry, Golden Brown noticed that brewing coffee at home never quite matched the delicious flavours of a cafe. That’s why, during the pandemic, they decided to launch a roastery specifically for home baristas like you.
Their mission is simple: to create a coffee that tastes exceptional on home machines and provide free tutorials on how to brew the perfect cup of coffee in the comfort of your own kitchen. ☕️
3 years later and they have over 1 million followers who are all in the pursuit of creating the perfect cup at home.
june offer*.
For the month of June we have amazing offers up for grabs, We have the Linea Micra or GS3 (AV or MP) and Pico* package available, which also include a 250g bag of Golden Browns Signature Blend to try with your new set up.
*while stocks last

*Offer has now ended